
How To Repair Jeans With Holes

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There's naught like wearing a great pair of jeans. That is until they're ruined by unsightly rips at the inner thigh. This is a consequence of sitting, walking, or even standing as thighs rubbing together tin can cause friction and article of clothing out the crotch area of jeans.

Thighs rubbing against each other is a normal and unavoidable part of, well, being a person and thigh rips can be completely avoided or repaired. The new air holes even present a smashing opportunity for yous to pick up some new needle skills, get creative with patches and embroidery and ensure that your jeans are strong and reinforced for life no thing where they might rip and tear.

You don't need advanced haute couture skills to learn how to set holes in jeans in the inner thigh. These repairs tin be done by hand or machine with either fancy textile patches and embroidery flosses, fe-on patches, or regular needlework tools similar apparently sewing thread and fifty-fifty scraps of fabric you might accept lying around.

How to foreclose inner thigh jean holes

Blue jeans on a rack

Before you get to figuring out how to fix holes in jeans in the inner thigh, it'southward skillful to note that prevention is always improve than cure. As sturdy as denim fabrics are, they're still sensitive to friction. This goes double the higher the spandex or elastane content in your jeans are.

Read: All-time Jeans for Men With Big Thighs

Don't launder your jeans as well frequently

Unless you've got massive food or grass stains in your jeans, you don't really demand to wash them frequently. Washing machines are very tough on dress and the more frequently you wash your jeans, the quicker they will wear. Yous're ameliorate off spot treating any stains and only washing your jeans every couple of weeks, not after every wear.

Always air dry your jeans

Tumble drying does speed up the laundry procedure but information technology's also not very gentle on your jeans. Besides the possibility of shrinkage, tumble drying can weaken the fibers of your jeans and this only gets worse for the areas that receive the virtually habiliment and tear like your crotch.

Read: How to Unshrink Jeans

Wear longer underwear

A bully way to decrease the friction from thigh rubbing is to wear boxer shorts or shapewear underneath your jeans. In wintertime, y'all can opt for leggings that will not only reduce the affect on your denim but provide an extra layer of warmth.

How to gear up holes in jeans in the inner thigh by paw

This method works best for modest holes. Information technology's skillful to continuously audit your denim after every wear so yous can spot a small hole before it becomes a huge rip. Smaller holes are much easier to ready.

All you will need is a sewing needle, pins and strong thread that's preferably in a matching color.

Step 1: Plow your jeans within out and cut away any of the fraying threads at the pigsty so y'all have a cleaner surface to work from. Pin the pigsty closed or yous tin compression it together with your fingers.

Step 2: Loop your thread through your needle long plenty and then that you can match the ends and create a stronger double thread. Knot the ends. The strongest seam and least noticeable from the outside is a whipstitch.

Read: How to Fix a Hole in Jeans Without a Patch

How to fix holes in jeans - Hand-stitched jean holes

Push your needle and thread through ane side of the cloth and come out over the other side. Pull the thread taut merely not so tight that the thread snaps and push the needle through the same side of the cloth you started with. Proceed this style from one end of the pigsty to the other and it will create diagonal vertical stitches. Keep these pocket-size and close together for extra forcefulness.

Step 3: Once you lot've completed the seam, turn your jeans inside out again and in that location should be a clean, mostly unnoticeable line in place of the hole at present.

Read: How to Alter Jeans

How to patch jeans by the inner thigh with flake fabric

Woman cutting jeans with scissors

If your rip is on the large side, then it's best to put a patch in place of the rip. Sewing bigger rips closed can brand the fit of your jeans smaller. Non only will this be uncomfortable but if your jeans are besides tight, you lot can take chances ripping them once more.

For this method, yous'll need a sewing needle, pair of scissors, pins, thread, and a patch of denim in a matching colour. Y'all can use a different shade of denim if yous don't think it will be noticeable or if you don't mind. Alternatively, you can even purchase pre-embroidered or gear up-made patches from your local cloth shop.

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Step 1: Turn your jeans inside out and snip away any of the fraying threads at the hole. Be careful to not cut besides much away so that you end up making the hole bigger. Adjacent, cutting out a fabric patch that's just a petty bit bigger than the inner thigh pigsty.

Step ii: Match the edges of your patch to the edges of the rip and pin them in place. You tin ever keep these in identify with your fingers but pins will streamline the procedure. Y'all can either whip sew together or buttonhole sew this in place.

A buttonhole stitch is like to a whip stitch simply each stitch is knotted at the top for extra security. Thread your needle, making sure to brand a double thread so information technology's strong. Push your needle through i side of the fabric and come up out on the other side. Pushing your needle through the aforementioned side of the fabric you began with merely before you pull it all the way through, wrap the loop of the thread around the needle and then pull the needle completely. This creates the knot at the stitch. Continue in this way all-around your patch, keeping your stitches pocket-size, tight, and close together.

Step 3: When you've covered the entire patch, plow your jeans inside out and audit if at that place are any gaps or areas that need reinforcing. And just similar that, you've securely patched your jeans.

Read: How to Hem Jeans by Hand

How to patch jeans past the inner thigh with an fe-on patch

Textile and craft stores have lots of fun, colorful, and interesting atomic number 26-on patches that tin work great for your thigh rips. This works best when your hole still has some threads keeping information technology together but you can utilize this to other holes. This is a no-stitch method and only requires an iron and a patch that's just a little larger than your hole.

Step 1: Clip away any of the fraying threads around your hole unless they're holding your rip together. These threads can provide some support for your patch. Place some newspaper or cardboard backside your pigsty then yous don't end up fusing the legs of your jean closed.

Stride ii: Then y'all can simply press the patch over the pigsty with your iron. Some patches will come with instructions only it'due south all-time to use a medium heat setting and apply some pressure to the iron.

Read: How to Fray Jeans

How to patch jeans by the inner thigh with visible mending

How to fix holes in jeans - Visible mending

This visible mending technique is based on the Japanese style of mending called boroboro and uses sashiko stitches to repair rips while creating a gorgeous, visible outcome. All you demand is a denim patch a little bigger than your hole, embroidery floss (this can be in the same or contrasting colors), scissors, a needle, a cloth marking or chalk, a ruler, and pins. The number of stitches used in this method likewise helps with reinforcing the strength of your patch against wear.

Step 1: Snip abroad any of the fray threads around your hole. Pin the patch in identify backside the pigsty of your jeans, working from the exterior of the pants.

Step 2: Use your ruler and chosen cloth marker to mark horizontal and vertical lines across your patch. You can have these lines extend past your patch. They can also run diagonally.

Footstep 3: Thread your needle with embroidery floss to your preferred thickness. You can experiment with thicker and thinner threads for more than visual interest. Brand direct stitches beyond your marked lines that are the aforementioned length and distance apart. They should at to the lowest degree be a minimum of ½ ich in distance and length. Repeat this with the stitches going in the opposite direction.

Y'all tin also choose to create round patterns, shapes such as flowers or hearts. The most important thing is to create even straight stitches that will cover the entirety of your patch.

There are a diverseness of creative and durable ways for you to figure out how to gear up holes in jeans in the inner thigh and fortunately, they're all very uncomplicated and easy for anyone to exercise. Always remember to take the best care of your jeans, of course, and you tin can transfer these techniques to holes that appear anywhere else.

Yous may also cull to alternate your floss colors or use different colors to overlay different designs. You tin get equally creative every bit y'all would like with this method while creating a very durable and strong patch.

Check out some of our other jeans guides: Best Jean Shorts for Thick Thighs | How to Starch Jeans


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